
Before I rant on my SO: he's an absolute amazing guy sometimes, but like all men, he definitely has his problems. 
For instance, today. We have TONS of laundry that needs folding and since we both work, it piled up a little bit. So after a trip to the mall and dinner, I come home & start folding some of it. He's laying next to me, watching, playing on his phone. I mentioned, "Feel free to jump into this folding anytime now!" His reply? "I don't feel like it. I just want to relax and not do anything." 
What. The. Fuck. 
You think I want to do it? So I folded/ hung my clothes & towels, and left his in the basket still. Guess who's managed to step over them multiple times? 😒 it just really irks me. He only worked 4 hours today, that's hardly enough to be considered "so tired". I'm 32 weeks pregnant, I hurt and ache, my back could kill me, I have a child kicking my ribs, but I still work 5 days a week, come home &I start dinner, wash clothes, clean, make sure everyone is taken care of and happy, and I STILL find time to get my son's room painted. Yes, I'm the one that's painting our son's room. I move around the furniture. I'm decorating. I hate how when he's tired, he won't help with SHIT. But when I'm tired, I'm still expected to get this shit together. And sometimes, I don't even feel appreciated.. But on the good side of things, he did buy me flowers two days ago for no reason, so that's a plus.. 
I just feel like sometimes my depression stems from him and the lack of help. 😔