Scared to be alone...

This is my third baby and I don't have a clue why I'm feeling this way. I have a 2 year old and a 6 year old. My husband works as a regional retail manager and works crazy hours. Most days it's just me and my 2 year old all morning and then my older daughter comes home at 4 and my hubby gets home at 9pm. I am 37.2 weeks pregnant and absolutely terrified of being alone. I've been in early or Prodromal labor for 2 weeks now. I'm 3cm and 75% effaced and my doc keeps telling me it could be soon. I feel like I'm on the verge of labor constantly and I am so afraid I'll go into labor while my husband is gone. My labors with my girls were both under 3 hours but I was induced so now I feel scared I won't contact my husband in time. It takes him an hour to get home and it takes us an hour to get to the hospital. Any advice?