Horny all the time 😬

Ever since I started masterbating  when I was a teen I've always found myself to be horny all the time. I have this urge to play with myself all the time and when I hangout with my boyfriend we do lots of fun stuff like cook together, go to a movie, stay in and watch Netflix and cuddle, but at the end of the night I always want to have sex and I get touchy feely. I know couples don't always have to have sex when they hangout and sometimes it's okay not to get physical. But, for some reason I'm just horny and think about sex all the time. Is this bad? Is there something wrong with me? Am I a sex and masterbation addict? I feel like a freak and abnormal. Sometimes even dirty and sometimes I think to myself "I wonder if my boyfriend thinks I'm not lady like or respectable".Â