
First of all, let me say, I'm not one of those people who believe that vaccines cause autism. However, I am one of those people who is very skeptical when it comes to what the government thinks is best for me or my child. 
I plan on vaccinating my kids, but how much and when is where I struggle. It makes me sick to read about the preservatives and mercury in those things! Obviously still not worse than let's say, polio! My holistic doctor has had 4 kids of her own that she has on a more conservative vaccinating schedule that starts later that I'm tempted to follow but at the same time terrified of my kid getting something. 
I guess my question is where can I find legitimate resources to research this?? Do we vaccinate too much?? I can only find articles supporting or not supporting vaccines. I know other countries follow different vaccines schedules, do they have as low of rate of diseases as we do? 
I just feel lost and would like to feel
Confident in my choices for my child especially over something as detrimental as this. Thanks!