My birth story. Eleanor Gray.

Eleanor Gray. She was born the 27th at 7:17am 7lbs 20inches. Got to the hospital at 1am. Contractions were unbearable at 2am. I had the epidural. Had to. I was in so much pain at 4cm I knew I wouldn't make it. Planned on going natural but I'm no martyr! Haha. So had that at 2am and felt so much better. Went to 10cm in 6 hours. Pushed for 10 minutes and boom she was here. The epidural was wearing off at the end and I could feel her crowning. That was my motivation to push haha. I received a 1st degree tear and had three stitches. Worst part was the stitches. We did skin to skin and she latched pretty quickly. She wouldn't cool off and had 100degree fever for an hour and that concerned the nurse, who was quite rude because we kept asking questions, we weren't challenging her which was how she was acting. She got Super defensive and scared the shit out of us! Geez. So that was stressful. Nothing ended up being wrong with her. She's a feisty girl. Very sweet. We also kept my placenta and we are encapsulating it. Yum. Haha. if you have any questions or want to know more about my birth story just ask :)