FTM, SAHM-Desperate

My son is almost 4 months. I worked my last day last week and am now a SAHM which is something I never envisioned for myself. DH keeps telling me how jealous he is that he can't be a mom and be with our son so much. I'm over here like wtf ever. After hours of fussy time where for some damn reason I still can't figure out what my baby wants I just want to quit. It's been adding up and today the straw broke the camels back. After a day where nothing makes DS happy DH comes home, we eat, me holding DS with one arm and feeding myself with the other and then he takes him so I may get a much needed bath. He interrupts my bath to let me know DS is hungry, that's fine, I will always put DS first. I get out and try to feed him and he's not having it. I get up and try to burp him, walk and rock him and he keeps crying so I lay him in the pack n play, DH says he'll take him I say yes please because I don't know what he wants and I'm frustrated and then...
DH says calm down. Well that just pissed me off. He continues talking trash as I become so infuriated I'm ready to chop his damn balls off. Long story even longer I bawl my eyes out in my bedroom after slamming the door. I love my son, so much. I'm so tired. I ask for help. Damn Husband (oh no, not dear or darling like you've been reading) just doesn't get it. Usually I can cope with having my buttons pushed but he knows how hard it's been lately. Reading all the other posts it's comforting to know I'm not alone in getting overwhelmed. My son has eczema and between the itchiness-scratching-rashes and overstimulation and being hungry or needing to be held I just want to fall to the floor in the fetal position. I'm done venting.