Scared at 34 weeks

Wasn't feeling good for a couple days. Felt like my period with cramps and back ache. I chalked it up to the baby moving down and just went about my business working full time. I was pretty uncomfortable, but a lot of people complain of discomfort at this point and being a FTM I assumed I had reached that uncomfortable point. However, my feet started to swell at night so my husband suggested I mention it to the doctor. I called on Wednesday and described all my symptoms and they said to come in Friday morning. I went in an after being checked I was 1cm dilated and 50% effaced and sent straight labor and delivery to be monitored. After about 3 hours of being monitored, showing that I was having contractions every 2-4 minutes (what!!!) I was still just over 1cm dilated. They sent me home to wait and see. He could come today, he could come in 6 weeks. They don't know. As long as my water doesn't break, I'm just going to have to deal with this. They said the contractions probably won't get that much closer together but may get stronger, which they have. I'm just waiting for something to happen but praying it doesn't!