Being overwhelmed does not mean PPD...right?

It has been 10 weeks since my little guy was born and I love every moment of being his mom.  Although it has not been easy.  Between him and me both being in hospital, nursing issues, sickness, sleeplessness, and the overall feeling of doing it all on my own I have begun to feel overwhelmed with the feelings of bitterness towards my SO who's life has really not changed much at all where mine has done a 360.  He threw it at me that I should maybe get checked for PPD because during a sleepless night we had an argument about him not helping out with night feedings.  How do you explain the difference and how do you know yourself?  I think as all new moms do, we go through a tough time where the adjustment is hard and you feel like a completely different person.  Do I think I have PPD?? No.  I think I'm a new FTM that's got a lot of shit going on and who feels like she's getting no help at home.  We made the decision together to have this baby but suddenly I feel all alone.  It pisses me off that he expects me to adjust to everything just like that and to be 100% settled and relaxed in my new role as a mom and the same person I was before when my life was normal and I was getting a full nights sleep.   How do I respond to's almost like he wanted to label me with something so that would be the problem...not his not helping out more