Possible miscarriage or baby is too small

So i started with small amount of blood earlier today, then i started cramping with lower back pain I went to the restroom and i was bleeding heavy like if i was on my period..I got scared this happened with my first pregnancy when i was a little over 3 months..according to my last period i should be around 5 wks 4 days but Glow <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.nurture">nurture</a> app is telling me I'm 3 wks 6 days..i got a ultransvaginal ultrasound and the results came back saying there wasnt any fluid or mass in the sac but they also didnt see the baby there..my HCG level was 10 dr said it may be that im less than 5 weeks and baby is small for them to see Im so scared im still bleeding a little right now im following up with my OBGYN dr wednesday.. Im praying ❤