Just gave birth to a beautiful baby boy

I was prescribed suboxen an switched to subtext   when I found out. My baby was born October 31st. I was due on Nov 21st. He was small 5lbs 4 oz due to be born early. I was in hospital for 5 Days. While they monitored his withdrawal. I have been breastfeeding to help with that. If he "scored" High he would have had do stay for 14 days. There are certain things they look for an a lot of them are similar to what newborns experience anyhow. Long sorry short he is now out with me an is growing an adjusting to life outside the womb _' I am adjusting to a new baby. It's been rough w or w out being on this medication. But too all those who might be wondering if anyone was on this medication.. An if baby was ok for them.. He is doing great. I will update after next appt. best wishes to all those going through this!