Just SO relieved to find this board!!

Mary • 27, from Utah, I have one 2 yr old son and a baby on the way!
I am so happy to have found that there was a board for recovering addicts on subutex!! Gosh I wanna ask questions sometimes but I don't because I know on the general bored I'd be attacked my most woman.. being called a horrible mother & all that. So I just wanna thank u girls for being here on this board & supporting eachother & keepin eachother positive & strong thru this tough situation. Obviously none of us WANT to be on subs while pregnant, none of us WANT to see our baby suffer thru withdrawls! But it doesn't mean we love our babies any less than other woman. We are all doing the right thing by choosing subutex over the alternative. I am just very greatful to have mothers to go to now who understand what I'm going thru.. thank u all so much!!