Chemical Pregnancy...

After TTC for almost a year, we finally found out I was pregnant on Halloween. I was due July 8th, 2016. We were so excited. Started picking out names and googling nursery themes, but then on the night of November 3rd, I started cramping very badly... I just tried to stay calm and tell myself it was normal... Then the morning of the 4th, I woke up in a puddle of blood... I was so heart broken... I had 5 BFPs, my period was nearly a week late, and I just don't understand... I had a normal cycle that ended yesterday... I'm just so upset... I feel like I did something wrong and I keep blaming myself... I will never give up... I will prove that I am in this world to become a mother. Fly high my little angel baby... You're forever in mommy and daddy's hearts <3