Hello ! New to bed rest !

Chelsea • Mom to a beautiful little boy. 4.28.16 Jace Ryan 👶🏼😍 8lb 12oz 21.5 inches long Second time mom to another gorgeous boy 2.15.18 Cade Jax 9lb 2oz 21.5 inches long 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦❤️
Hello my name is Chelsea. I'm pregnant with my first and am a little over 17 weeks. I got put on bedrest for a subchronic hematoma. It's fairly large and even bending over gives me severe cramps. Hoping I won't have to stay on bed rest until my little man gets here. Anyone have ideas to pass the time since I'm only supposed to be up to pee and shower and get a snack if no one can bring me food.