Real bedrest


So I've been on modified bedrest due to short cevix. I had my cerclage put in and my cervix went from 1 cm to 3 cm. Sooooo I'm not on strict only get out of bed only for showers and meals. But I have to give it up to you women who are on strict bed rest.

My ass is killing me! I can't really sleep on my sides, I have tmj so sleeping on my sides agrivates it. So I'm constantly either sitting up or sleeping sitting up. My ass has totally changed shape, size, dimension and even density. Husband even talks about how it feels totally different. Sitting sends lighting pains from skin to the bone. It's literally a pain in the ass.

So bless all you ladies who are on strict bedrest. I hope you gain all your muscle and strength back rapidly after baby is born healthy and strong!