Renting/tenant advice 101

Okay! So I hope I help someone out there. 
Loonnng story short, our landlord charged us for over $2,000 in damages and also decided he would not return our security deposit on top of it claiming he did not have our forwarding address even though a month prior to the notice, he mailed us our last water/sewer bill.
         * Laws vary by state/country but it is your responsibility as a tenant to know your rights but sadly a lot of first time renters do not so I want to help!
          *These tips are good for anywhere (usually) and you can find your state's specific laws at a courthouse. (Online is a good tool but I would not use the Internet alone)
   --- First, ALWAYS fill out the damages form prior to moving in. Even a stove or fridge. Trust me, they will slum their way into replacing items with your money even though it wasn't your fault! (Hence: slumlord)
  ---Second, ALWAYS take photos with time stamps of every room, door, appliance, floors, counters, light fixtures, prior damages etc. this will be your physical evidence if you have to take them to court!
  ---Third, ALWAYS clean very well before moving out (cabinets, fridge, floors, bathroom, carpets etc.) and again, TAKE PHOTOS with time stamps to prove the condition in which you left it. This goes with the previous suggestion for court!
---Fourth, give written notice that you are moving!
Which brings me to my next suggestion...
--- Fifth, make copies of ALL documents! Keep them with your lease in a safe place. You need to make sure you are covered!!
          👏We just won, with self representation, our entire security deposit as well as some other fees paid back to us and the $2,000 in damages were dismissed because we did all of these steps! 
There are some grimy landlords out there; be safe and I hope this helps❤️