What would you do?

Sarah • 3 pregnancy loses. 4 failed IUIs, IVF with 1 failed frozen transfer and finally have our healthy boy!! Momma of a 3 year old, angel twins 10/19, and successful fresh IVF is giving us boy two in November!
So I'm starting my second round of Clomid tonight. Last cycle I ovulated at day 17 and if things hold true this cycle I will ovulate around the 27th (day after Thanksgiving) my dr said I can skip the ultrasound this month and confirm ovulation with a progesterone test around day 24 or I can still come in for one if I want to. Now I don't know what to do... Should I go care free this cycle and just go off when I "should" ovulate or should I get the ultrasound and KNOW how many follicles and their sizes and have a better idea of exactly when I should ovulate?? Please HELP!!!