Femara - Not Clomid

I am 28 years old and have been married for 1.5 years. I have PCOS and do not ovulate regularly. I am A-symptomatic which I have ovarian cysts and irregular periods, not the other physical symptoms (male pattern hair growth, overweight, acne)
My husband and I had been TTC for 1 year since we got married and at the 1 year mark, with no success, decided it's time to see a doctor. 
I am currently on cycle 3 of assisted <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">fertility treatment</a>. My first cycle I took 5 days of clomid (50 mg) with 1 active follicle in my right ovary during my mid cycle ultrasound. Unfortunately, I did not ovulate in that cycle. 
My second cycle I took another 5 days of clomid (100 mg) with again, 1 active follicle growing in my right ovary, but clomid was thinning my uterine lining. And Again, I did not ovulate in that cycle. 
I had almost 60 days between periods. My OBGYN prescribed me Provera to induce a period, which took three weeks to induce a major flow! It was painful, emotional, hot flashes, and extremely hormonal! I hope to never take that again! 
My mid cycle ultrasound was actually yesterday to see how Femara is working for me. The US showed that I have 3 active follicles in my right ovary and my uterine lining is perfect! Since I am not ovulating on my own, my doctor prescribed Ovidrel trigger shot. With the growth of my follicles, I am to trigger this Friday (11/20) and with timed intercourse all weekend and ovulation tests. Then the TWW and hopefully a BFP!!! 
Has anyone had the same situation with Clomid and switched to Femara with success?