5 weeks and 1 day + bleeding

Hey ladies, quick question to anyone who has had something similar. I had a daughter 4 years ago great and healthy pregnancy & child. In 2012 I was pregnant and didn't know it and ended up having a miscarriage I'm not sure how far along I was but a little TMI (it was about the size of a squash of a clot). Anyways this August me and my hubby started trying for baby #2 and just got a positive test on Friday the 13th. The week before I was spotting a little heavy but it wasn't like a normal period but I thought it maybe was. Anyhow Friday my period was supposed to start if the week before wasn't my period and I ended up using the bathroom and having a bright red blood spot when I wiped the size of a golf ball so that's why I took a test which was a positive. That day on Friday it continued about 2-3 more times only when I wiped. Yesterday I had bloody discharged which more orangish/ brownish than red. I called the nurses station at the OBGYN that I have an apt with December 1st but no one called back. This morning I woke up and had a ball size of red but not as bright as well when I wipe. I've read many places that says it can be normal in the first trimester I guess I'm just nervous with all of it since I've had a miscarriage before. The bleeding I'm having now isn't like anything when I had my miscarriage but still.