Symptoms ?!

I've had two miscarriages this year I am 5 weeks my first appointment isn't until 8 weeks and I'm not having many symptoms except for sore breasts and extreme fatigue is this normal ?!? I'm really scared and worried I'm going to miscarry again ..
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I hope so, I'm 6 weeks and the only symptoms I have is kinda sore breasts and extremely exhausted! I also have very slight cramps every now and then. Hopefully they will confirm everything is fine at the ultrasound Friday! Sorry to hear about your miscarriage :( I pray for a healthy 9 months for your current baby and hope everything goes well!


Angela • Nov 18, 2015
I will!


Jessica • Nov 18, 2015
ive had the same things !! just nervous let me know how your appoitment goes !