
I'm currently 5w4d, I had some pain in my right side last Saturday so I went to the hospital just to be sure everything was okay. They said I should be fine, but it was still to early to do a transvaginal ultrasound. I'm super nervous this time around, I don't currently have any children, but I just had a missed miscarriage this September, followed by a D&C. With my last pregnancy I constantly had nausea and was getting sick like every hour. I found out at my 12week apt, I miscarried at 8w3d but was still having all the symptoms of a pregnancy. My first appointment this time around isn't till I'm 7 weeks and I'm super nervous. Last Saturday when the hospital checked my levels I was only at 345.  I haven't had any other symptoms at all this pregnancy which makes me nervous. Any advise from Mommas who've suffered a miscarriage then had a healthy baby would be really great and appreciated.