Venting Selfish Nobody to Talk To

It's hard to talk about this with anyone so I'm venting to you guys. I'm nearly 30 weeks pregnant and a few months ago my mom at 56 was diagnosed with terminal cancer-it came on strong and fast. It's the worst nightmare that I can imagine- I would do anything to take it away. With that being said I'm a FTM and this is not how I imagined my pregnancy- it's also kind of depressing. I'm my moms primary care taker especially since I don't work anymore (my job is seasonal and closed earlier then normal this year). It's really the most depressing thing to watch my mom deteriorate and her be really sad and I'm really sad and I'm miserably pregnant but I have to pretend to be happy for my mom and family and husband. It really feels like nobody can relate or understand what I'm going through which I'm glad about that but I wish I had someone to talk to.