Partner on app


Has anyone invited their partner to the app? If so, what do they see? I don't want my husband to get an alert saying I'm extra gassy that day or anything like that.
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Posted at
My partner is on here... She sees everything unless you put it up anonymous.


Posted at
When do I set the privacy settings?


Ha • Nov 19, 2015
I saw that it shows him when I'm constipated and stuff too. I don't like that.


Lisa • Nov 19, 2015
It's automatic .. X


Posted at
My husband had it.. It's nice as it will alert them if your feeling a bit off! They done see all the info.. There is a lock sign next to all the things you tick which means it is private to just you xx


Posted at
My husband has the app. And no it just shows the updates we get And the tips we get. And if you put an alarm or an appointment reminder they can see it also. Like I have a 930 alarm telling me to take my prenatal and it goes off in my husbands phone as well so he can remind me also. 


Posted at
I dont know what he sees. I haven't asked.