Late AF. Scared to take a pregnant test

DazlinSmoke • We tried for 6yrs to concieve, a few years ago we found out that I had a uterine septum and had it removed. Now, 2 years later, just when we were losing hope... suprise!! A baby boy is on the way!

I've been TTC for 3yrs, during that time I have had a miscarriage and a surgery to remove a partial uterine septum that caused it. I have been on such an emotional roller coaster with infertility.... now I'm 3 days late and afraid to take the test. I'm afraid to see a positive and have it taken from me again. I'm conflicted on waiting a few more days or not. My periods are very regular, so being this late is unusual, but then again I am having tummy pains like AF is coming in a day or two. Ugh. Decision decision. :(

Another worry is that I don't have insurance or a job right now. After 5.5yrs of working my butt of for a company and having really good medical benifits they laid me off due to budget cuts last month. Rrrrrr. Perfect timing right? Lol. I want a baby more than anything. I cry every time I see another baby announcement. And now here I am. Scared of the test I have been waiting so so so long for.