Working late.

My fiancé and i both have full time jobs. We each have to be there by 6 every morning. But he works in a field where weather effects his work. This time of the year he is putting in 12-15 hours a day to get jobs done before winter comes. While I'm grateful for having such a hard-working man in my life, i hate the late nights. Sometimes I'm making dinner at 9 at night. No matter what time it is, I'll always make sure he has a hot meal when he gets home. But lately I've been feeling very lonely. I sit home alone with our 2 cats for hours on end waiting for him to get home. I don't have many friends, (I choose not to), so as you can imagine it gets, lonely! He feels like he has to put in these hours, to make a great life for us, but I'd rather be broke and have him with me. I can't tell him to work less, he loves his job. I just don't know how to tell him how it makes me feel without him feeling like he's doing the wrong thing, or that I'd leave him for someone who's around more (which he has joked anout before). I'm not really sure what kind of responses I'm looking for, just looking for some support! 
And I also want to put it in there that he is NOT having any kind of affair. And yes, I know this for a fact. So please don't jump judgement to that conclusion. 
Thank you ladies in advance.