13 Days Late, Negative Tests.

So to repeat myself, my period is (as of today) 13 days late. I did have unprotected sex during my ovulation period, since my partner and I are trying to have a baby. I took a clear blue at home pregnancy test a few days after my late period (since those work up to five days BEFORE your period) and nothing. I knew to wait rather than to think the worst, I took another test today and still nothing. 😞 I have been reading online that this sorta thing is very normal, but I can't help but think that my body is just being dumb. I have not gone into the doctors yet. Pregnancy symptoms have been present, such as nausea in the mornings, car sickness (which has never been an issue). Vomiting after meals (not full on barfing, just a bit of spittle), and increased appetite as well as complete disgust to foods I had no problem eating before. I don't know what to think, any tips on what I should do? Thank you for reading, it does feel nice to vent!