Short cycles on clomid?

DH & I have been trying to conceive for well about 7 years now. I finally talked to my doctor about my concerns with infertility in July and he scheduled me for a progesterone test. It came back that I did not ovulate.. 😔 this would explain why in 7 years of marriage we never had any luck.. He put me on clomid 50 mg and when I went in for my 21 day test it came back that I did OV. Yaaaay! DH also had a semen analysis that came back great. I did my 3rd round of clomid now this last month and I had high hopes as DH has an odd schedule and was around more this time. This morning when I went to the bathroom I had pinkish red blood. I'm so disappointed and confused as today is only day 22 of my cycle and my cycle is usually 24 or 25 days. I have never been early. 
Can anyone relate? This TTC stuff is such an emotional roller coaster 😞