OB Appointment and other stuffs 😶

Alyssa • .

Yesterday was my appointment with my OB (who is the coolest most wonderful doctor!) I also got to see my Nurse Midwife - they really put me at ease with this pregnancy. My doctor wants to put me on a progesterone suppository until 13 weeks, he says it's to give me the best chance at having this baby. *side note* I honestly had no idea what a suppository was, my husband had to explain it in the car.

So we are considering this - wondering if any one on Glow has had luck with progesterone?

I also had my blood drawn to check my hCG levels - at 7w3d I measured in at just a smidgen over 100,000 and Dr. Ortiz says that's great. I never had my blood drawn with either of my previous pregnancies so that was new. They made a scheduling mistake, they thought my ultrasound was scheduled for 3p yesterday, which would've been amazing. But they accidentally scheduled it for 3p today - but pretty excited regardless.

I'm still really really nervous about this pregnancy. This morning I shaved my bikini line and apparently cut myself. Didn't realize it until I was going to the bathroom and there was blood everywhere. I started hysterically crying until in a moment of clarity I realized that Satan's waterfall of blood was coming from a completely different place. I felt horrendously stupid, but my god - after 2 miscarriages, everytime I go pee, I pray to every god in the universe that I won't see blood.

Anyway, sorry for the long winded post - just needed to tell someone who wasn't my poor sleep deprived shell shocked husband, who was woken out of his peaceful sleep my my crying.