Ugh. Oh dear :/

Ashley • I`m Ashley. My husband and I have been married for 6 years and together for 9. We have two beautiful girls and an angel.
So, my three year old came down with a horrible rash yesterday. It's worse today, and my husband and I immediately thought Fifths Disease (a virus) - very dangerous for pregnant women (6 weeks today). 
Since he works out of town I am her sole caregiver. I took her to the doc and they can't tell me if it is indeed Fifths or an allergic reaction to antibiotics she was on. 
My husband started a new job in July and he is still a trainee, so we don't have full insurance yet, which is why I haven't seen my doc yet for levels and ultrasound (she is aware I'm pregnant though). 
So, they drew my blood to see if I've been exposed to Fifths (and I requested my levels since I'm paying for it anyway). I've had Fifths in the past from being a teacher, but they couldn't tell me if this makes me immune. 
I'm so worried for the baby :/ this little miracle took 17 months to come to us, I hope everything is ok. Thoughts, prayers, and good vibes sent my way much appreciated!