Little miss Hazel Emogean decided to join the world 5 days early

Little miss Hazel Emogean decided to join the world 5 days early! I started contracting Tuesday the 10th and went into labor that night. Got an epidural early on due to health issues and labored for at least 12 hours. They started me on a slow pitocin drip around 3-4 am cause I wasn't dilating very much. Around early afternoon it quickly became time to push but after 2 hours of hard pushing she wasn't really moving much... So a c-section became necessary. I got all prepped for that and I knew it would be minutes before I would finally get to see what my little girl looked like. After lots of pressure and weird feelings I heard her cry... Then within seconds I just got really sleepy and wanted to close my eyes. Turns out I was loosing blood at an alarmingly fast rate... 1700 cc's to be exact. But they stopped the bleeding and I have been enjoying the crap out of this little love bug!