Finally had our Baby Girl

Finally had our Baby Girl! Rylie Linn Vercel. It was a very hard delivery :/. Was in labor for 24 hours before started pushing, once I started pushing, the baby decided to flip and be face up causing me extreme pain in my back and butt. Because of her switching positions, I was unable to push her through the birth canal. So once I got her to a position where my doctor could see her head, she decided to use the vacuum suction. (Which was never apart of my birth plan, but I was in so much pain that I was begging for anyway to get her out). After intense pushing, finally Rylie was out. I ripped in about 3 different areas inside my vagina :( so very sore and uncomfortable. Taking Percocet and Motrin which helps a little bit! I don't mean to scare anyone, as everyone's birth story is different. I love my baby girl and no matter the pain I went through and even she went through to come out, it was all worth it. Here's a pic of our little darling. 7 Lbs, 15 Oz. 11/19/15 at 8:02 PM.