Moms that work full time and go to college...

How do you juggle family events, appointments, running on 3 hours of sleep while cramming for exams or writing a paper? 
-----I have a schedule but life happens and it's been "happening" a lot lately. I work 8am-5pm Mon-fri an hour away. Get home around 6, workout (need my "alone" time and health) i reheat food I prepped for myself and make my husband and son dinner, play with my son and get him bathed and ready for bed, clean the house from dinner, playing, and laundry, then I shower... Before I know it, it's 10pm, been up since 5 AM and then I get to my school work.
----Those are "good days". Other days it'll be running to the store for items on my list, family event for a dinner or something etc. just usual things that pop up... 
----I do most of my shopping on weekends but there's always those couple things you run out of or realize you need. 
-----I'm really trying to find a balance because the lack of sleep is really catching up to me. 😕 need some advice on how you all get through it.