
The first day of my last period was September 22nd. I waited three days after testing positive in October before I went to the doctor. I went to the doctor they gave me a blood test and said that I was pregnant and wanted another blood work sample. I did that and they said my numbers almost doubled and they were still kind of low and they wanted to see how far along I was so I went for my first sonogram when I was supposed to be 7 weeks 2 days and my sac only measured 5 weeks 1 day so they scheduled me for another week out and I came back and I measured 5 weeks again so they switch doctors to the Women's and Children's Hospital and they did a sonogramafter another week which also measured 5 weeks at that point they told me that I had a missed miscarriage and that I would need a D&C due to the fact that at this point I should be 9 weeks and I'm only measuring 5 and there's been no growth or heartbeat yet. So I scheduled my D&C for Monday November 23rd then today I got a call that my surgery was cancelled when I asked why they said my hcg level was 9000 and that they didn't feel comfortable doing the surgery but I don't understand how my HCG could be going up if there's no growth and there's been no growth for 4 weeks and when I asked she just said she wanted to be sure before she performed the procedure which I understand but I'm still kind of confused does this make sense to anyone else?