Thanksgiving Spirit

Taina • Lovely ❤️
Today my fiancé and I went grocery shopping for thanksgiving items. I can tell by the little things how much he truly cares about me. He helps me put things in the cart (heavy or light), helps me find things and is very attentive. Coincidently we ran into another couple that we had just seen at a local diner in the next town over. Randomly conversation sparked and the couple started to discuss how they had just gotten married and highs and lows of the wedding ceremony. (It was weird because we've been talking about how we need to make friends that are in serious relationships and find activities to do with them.) we exchanged numbers after the delightful talk and instantly felt better and more confident about our current situation. We're just taking it one day at a time and leaning on God to help us get through. We have a longggggg way to go at 6 weeks but I feel more comfortable embarking on this journey ❤️