Is $400 too much on a wedding album?

My husband spilled the beans and he was going to surprise me with a wedding album as our first year anniversary gift. He said it was $400 total but it was nice And he picked out all the photos... I don't want to shoot him down Bc this is really thoughtful, but I also think it's too much money for a wedding album!! Plus we are now expecting our first child. We just found out yesterday I'm pregnant. Advice please!
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Nah, wedding anything is expensive. Let him do it! 


Posted at
Seems very thoughtful although he can make his own on shutterfly for a lot cheaper than $400, I'd maybe bring that up and say let's save the money for our child! 


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I guess it depends on your financial stability, but it would be too much for us at the moment...


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We made our own on and had we not used coupons, it was going to be almost $150. That's online diy. Maybe he got a really nice top of the line album. Just eat the expense. It's worth it to have your photos tangible in a book. Ours were all on a hard drive and we were terrified that one electronic failure could take out our whole wedding album. It happened to our friends who are coincidentally wedding photographers now. They never took the time to print out any of their wedding photos and then their drive crashed and they lost everything except one single photo that they had posted to Facebook. PSA: print your photos and back them up!


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We did a photo shoot and albums (Taiwan/Hong Kong style) for $2500 for our wedding here in the US.  Then one for $600 in Taiwan.  That included a day long photo shoot, dresses, makeup and hair.  But it is something we both treasure.