Test line not getting any darker.

So I'm about 5 weeks 5 days pregnant according to LMP and I got a positive on a digital at 13 dpo and then another on a 2-3 weeks on week's estimator on 16 dpo.  I quit testing after that.  Well I had one more test and wanted to see what it would look like at 23 dpo, and the lines look just a bit darker than it did on 15 dpo.   I am now 24 dpo and took another weeks estimator and got the same result, 2-3 weeks.  I feel as though a m/c is inevitable as so many people have said the test should get darker as the hcg increases.  I feel like I had a good start and then it just stopped.  Needless to say I'm done testing as I have an appointment Tuesday due to spotting I've had on and off since missed period.  Today is my husband's birthday so I'm going to put on a happy face because the last thing I want to do is ruin his birthday.   Thanks for letting me vent.  Blessings to all future mamas!