How soon can you feed breast milk in bottle?

Hey ladies! I had my son 2 1/2 wks early via csection... My birth canal was to narrow..I was 37wk 5days, I tried breastfeeding in the hospital and we soon realized he has a hard time latching onto my nipple, so my lactation consultant worked with us and we started using a nipple shield which helped him and pump my milk and put it in a syringe and we attach that to a feeding tube line and run it into the nipple shield and my husband pushes the milk out of the syringe into the tube... It's very hard to do by yourself (I tried numerous times) well his family is coming back in a week to visit, and I don't feel comfortable them helping me feed him like that, so we introduced a bottle to him that we put the breast milk in, he's 1 wk today... I'm sure that last probably too soon, but while his family is here it's unfortunately going to have to work and when he's home with me we can switch back to the old way... Is that too soon to introduce him to the bottle? He does great on it... Any advice is welcome just please don't be mean... Thanks