Unappreciated.. Rant.

Lindsay • Just a small town girl with big dreams and hopefully a little one soon :)
Does anyone else feel like they get completely under appreciated when they do things? 
We didn't have a Thanksgiving dinner at our house because kids went with their grandparents and BF and I went to Cracker Barrel for some alone time. 
Tonight, we have 3 of his kids here and I decided that making the turkey and the little bit of stuff I bought (to have a small dinner for just a few of us) would be a nice end to the holiday. So- I cooked the turkey, made homemade turkey gravy, homemade mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, stuffing, fried apples and crescent rolls.. It took me an hour or so to get all of the sides done. 
I'm 32+5 today and I hurt all the time. So, this was a lot of standing, bending and stooping for me..
BF said, as soon as dinner was done "Oh me and (oldest son) are going to take this back next door (we are putting on a new porch).." 
So, I explained that I wanted us all to eat together. And after all of the work I put into it- I was super proud of myself for it- his kids don't want to eat one thing or another because they've had it once before and didn't like it.. Without trying mine. His oldest took a bite of the sweet potatoes and then started trying to give them to his brother and sister (I know that he likes them because he's eaten them here before)... I just, idk. 
I'm emotional because I put so much work into it and to not get a "thank you" or "that was good" or anything.. It makes me feel like I just busted my ass in the kitchen for nothing. I hurt my back and legs for nothing. 
They were still talking about how they didn't like one thing or another after I excused myself and went to the living room.
It's probably just my hormones.. But I feel like crying right now. 😔