Disconnected in laws

Kelly • Was diagnosised with PCOS & infertility Feb of 2015. After losing over 50 pounds and completely changing my diet we were surprised to find out in August we naturally conceived our first child 👶❤

So I'm having a bit of a hard time adjusting to my very distant disconnected in laws. We currently live with my father in law because our lease was up on our previous apartment and it just seem more convenient. Since we found out we are pregnant we are obviously moving to our own space. My father in law is the definition of distant. We live in the same roof but I literally do not speak or see him at all. He likes it that way as well they have family gathering in the house bbqs etc and not invite my husband or I. Now they have always been this way so it didn't bother me much. My mother in law is no different. We do not hear from her unless its holidays and we get a text or she needs help with finances or a ride same thing with my husband grandmother.

Now that I'm pregnant I would expect them to want to be a little more involve. Seeing that his mother shared my pregnancy announcement on Fb along with liking anything baby related. I was keeping her updated up until I became 11 wks because I would send text messages pictures of ultrasound and update and she wouldn't respond to me. Now come to find out she changed her number and hasn't written me on it just my husband. So I told him if he wants to keep her updated he can but that is no longer my job.

I've had a rough pregnancy from pelvic rest at 8wks to a upper respiratory infection and post nasal drip my whole first trimester and extreme morning sickness. His mother and father were both very aware since I had kept everyone on my fb updated. Neither of them not once asked me how the baby and I were doing. Til this day 17 weeks pregnant I still haven't heard from his mother.

I feel bad because we do go to couples therapy once a week he expressed how he knows his parents will be absent grandparents the way they were absent parents. He has a great fear that the baby will only know my family since they are so hands on and excited. My family has always been the warm and inviting type were his are cold and distant.

What should I do to help my husband transition into accepting he just has distant parents? That's its okay of they are distant grandparents because our baby is loved and will always know that love through us and my parents and siblings?