Am I wrong for worrying

Okay so I was visiting home from school and I stayed over my boyfriends house. I told my cousin that I'd watch my godson while she went out so I brought him over. I recently told him that in his sleep he was hitting me and it was like he didn't even know I was there. Which for one scared me because when the baby comes he could easily roll over on him and not be aware. Not only that w/ my godson who is 6months he's teething so he's cranky and my boyfriend was getting so annoyed, I had to keep him from falling asleep and he took forever to make the bottle and then he tried to give the baby a scorching hot bottle & was getting mad cause it took too long to cool down and I kept saying no it's not ready. Then to top it off when the baby went to sleep, I woke up to him crying and my boyfriend had his arm around the baby neck not even realizing it till I woke him up. Shouldn't I be concerned about this or he'll come around when our baby comes ? And I can't help but to think that I'll really be doing this by myself if he was so easily frustrated by a 6 month old