Cd2 and need some buddies.

Jade • TTC #2 for 14 months! 2 angel babies and 1 precious little girl that was conceived with clomid & hcg trigger shots!
Hey ladies im on cd2 which im on my 14th month of ttc for #2 baby, ive had 2 mmcs one at 8 weeks and one at 11 weeks within the 14 months. Since my 2nd mmc i had 3 cycles of 29 days, and since 38,36,32,33 so not sure whats going on, i had an ultrasound to check for pcos but they said it did not look polycystic, i did have 1 3cm cyst on each ovary which does cause me alot of pain which i thought had been ovulation pain but maybe not. Im not sure if im ovulating anymore, im having bloods done on cd25 to check for FSH LH i know there being done on the wrong day but doctor will not listen to me, progesterone is being then because of the length of my cycle. My daughter i conceived with clomid and trigger shot after 5 years of ttc with no bfp and lack of ovulation. So i am very concerned im never going to get that chance again, i also was going to have <a href="">fertility treatment</a> next year but the nhs is scrapping nhs <a href="">fertility treatment</a>. So really need to find some lovely people to talk to and share this draining process! I have posted on other groups but no one is replying. X