
Elizabeth • 28, married (4.6.13) ....mommy to John (11.3.14) Blighted Ovum (D&C 12/3/15) - baby #2 due(3/30/16)
I had an appt this past sat (6w6d) and again, the sac was empty. They said maybe i got my dates wrong but i know when i ovulated and i know it is a blighted ovum. I have to have betas testsd again today and then my ob wants to see me at the end of the week but i don't want to wait another week knowing that this pregnancy isn't viable. This is so hard. This is my second preg (my son is 13mo) and i just want to move on so we can try for a rainbow baby. All i keep thinking is its going to be so hard to get pregnant again (even though this time it happened on 1st try and with my son it took us 4 tries) -i just feel defeated and devestated and lost.