Quit work?

I've already taken 5 plus weeks off due to being this sick. I plan on quitting my job when I was 36 weeks and I'm 13 now, I just don't know if I should try and get another two weeks off work or if I should just quit. My doctors said they probably can't give me another note bc I've gained a pound. 
The only time I can eat is if I smoke weed. So I'll go three and four days without any food or liquids and then I'll take a hit and I can eat and drink. I can't be high at work. I didn't even want to smoke during the pregnancy but if I don't I'm literally dead.
If anything, the sickness is worse than ever. So I know I'll call out everyday , I just feel so guilty I wanted to work and have some money saved. 
I've never been through this before. I just feel like people think I'm faking it. This is the hardest thing I've ever done physically , I'm overwhelmed.