What kinds of tests can i expect from my obgyn today?

I passed out the other day for about 5-8 min while standing in line at rye store...just unresponsive. My husband said my eyes were half way open and my mouth was open( he caught me and was holding me up) I didn't go to the ER I just ate some pizza after. Today I called my doctor(cause they were closed sat.) And I told them what happened. They wanted me to come in sometime today. What can I expect from them today when I go in? Drawing blood...ultrasound? What will they do? I havnt felt movement since that happened..im 20w2d...Last wensday I went in for an appointment and they forgot to check my iron so now I'm kind of iffy. They just read my iron from last month (10.0) and they said it was a little low but I should be fine if I'm taking my prenatals.