Touch of faith

Just sharing this as i wanted to get itour mind. Again down to upbringing a out in words for my own self. Today was an experience for me and even though i know its only the begginging. It shed alot of light for me. After an emotional heart to heart with a professional. Alot of things finally make that bit of extra sense. We are all built up of makings from our upbringings, experiences and how we let those around us affect our lives. And eventually sometimes we loose who we are inside to these walls we have built. We becomes molds of what others want us to be, rather than who we are. Sometimes we live too much in the past, or too much in the future. The things we cannot change or control. But we allow them to control us. Rather than living in the 'now'. And before we know it life is just passing us by. After today i now really truly believe that people come into our lives for reasons. Or lessons to be learned. And that the only way to ones true happiness is finding ones true self. And letting go of these built up walls that contain us. Fear.... fear dosnt exist. New babies arent born with fear. Its all in nd experiences. We spend so much time in fear of things and in the end. It never ends up how we thought it would anyway. Happiness is always around the cornor. Im on the road to self recovery and i truly believe i will get there. Dont ever people please your way threw life. U only do it at the expense of yourself.