Strange period...?

Its awkward for me to tall about but I use tampons only regular size and this period has been.. Strange. It has been very light and mostly just one small brownish spot on one side of the tampon for 3 days... Is this normal..?
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I'm going through the exact same thing right now and I keep feeling like I'm going to start and run to the bathroom and nothing.. It's only when I wipe and not every time..


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Umm It Probably Wasn't A Period Alot Of People Bleed At The Beginning Of Pregnancy And Think Its A Period 😉


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Different things can effect your period.  When I was on birth control mine were pretty light.  (Not much of a tampon user, but on the lighter days toward the end I'd just get brownish sludgy output).  I would think this could be normal, but if it is really different from what you normally experience it could be worth talking to your OB about it.