Being induced tomorrow!!!

Our due date was 12/9, but little one has measured right at 6lbs for last 4 visits! So tomorrow at 5pm we're going in to be induced! So excited!! My back has been killing me, I can barely walk.
And now for the last minute to dos!
Edit: okay, now it's 4:30am Wednesday. Dang hospital.. Don't care she's getting OUT.
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I'm 35 and a half weeks and ours is measuring 6.3 pounds. I'm confused. Is that cause for concern? Is it because yours hasn't measured any more than 6 pounds?


Amanda • Nov 30, 2015
Good luck!!!


Cortney • Nov 30, 2015
Basically because she's been the same size for about a month now, as opposed to gaining the half a pound a week that's typical.