What should I do?

A few days ago, a guy who is a year younger than me and I don't know well started messaging me. I am 13. He made many many obscene comments, and proceeded to describe how he would 'rape' me if I did not have sex with him. However, this was not a threat, more of like a thought, I think. I told him repeatedly to stop, yet he kept going. I didn't block him, just because I had some kind of hope that it was only a dare or something. Well nope. I told one of our mutual friends (same class as him) and he told me that I should be careful. The boy who messaged me also said he knows where I live, and would open my window, come into my house and do things to me. (Again, probably not a threat) Many of his friends then messaged me (I guess word got around) and told me to watch myself, since apparently that boy is very reckless and does unexpected things. I've become a lot more paranoid recently, and am in constant fear over him actually acting on his words. I have not told my parents, because they would FREAK OUT. What should I do? I can't keep worrying forever.