Can you feel baby move at 11 weeks ?

Brianna • Took us 4 years to get pregnant finally our little Miracle is on its way !!
I have been feeling little twinges in my lower belly all day today wondering if it's baby ?

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Posted at
I'm 11 weeks and I feel werid stuf that doesn't feel like gas I don't know if it's my uterus stretching or baby but it feels like fluttering or twinges


Posted at
It's really rare to feel that easily bc the baby is sooo small. Could be gas 


Posted at
I swear I can feel my baby move I'm 9 weeks 1 day with baby #2 and I know what it feels like to feel baby its moving around alot!! Seems unreal my son I didn't feel till I was 20 weeks


Posted at
With my first, I didn't feel any actual kicks until I was about 17 weeks. Now pregnant with my second, I felt kicks at 15 weeks. That's pretty early to feel movement yet. I felt flutters around 10 weeks or so but my dr said it's probably just gas at that point haha.


Posted at
If it's your first, it's not likely. If this isn't your first pregnancy, then its possible to feel tiny little flutters as soon as 9 weeks.I'm 12w4d and this is my first and I'm almost positive I've felt my baby 3 times in the last week. It's too low to be gas and it's very very light. But it's not common to feel that early with a first. Many women don't until after week 16.