High chair type

Sarah • I have two beautiful children a boy and a girl. TTC baby #3
So you have the normal high chairs then you have the ones that sit on a chair (the space savers) which ones are better? Does it matter much?
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We got one that latches on to the table- my friend who had twins swore by it. I'm also hoping to save some space and we live in a townhouse 


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You won't need this for about 6 months, so you could easily wait and see what you want to get then.I've always used one that connects to a chair because of the space issue. For my special needs daughter I had to get other kinds to give her more support.


Sarah • Dec 1, 2015
my husband and I decided to wait and buy one with taxes. since she will only be a few weeks old then.


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This is our second. We had a regular one with our first and hated it. We always had to find a place to store either the high chair or a chair. This time we have the space saver chair and love it. It also will save us from having to purchase a separate booster seat later on since they convert into one. 


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I got a convertible one and I love it. You have the option to use it as a regular high chair and recline it when they are little and then attach it to a chair when they are bigger. It also has wheels so you can roll it across the room while you are doing things in the kitchen and baby can play in the chair.


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I got a 3 and 1 for a shower gift it starts as a normal one, is a booster seat to and attaches to table it's awesome lol


Ladi • Dec 1, 2015
I got both as gifts from my registry as I listed both just in case:the regular one from Amazon Cosco for $31 and space saver (Fischer price) for like $23. So this may still be in your budget.


Sarah • Dec 1, 2015
I'm on a $50 budget. I did see one that is a high chair and then like a chair and table.


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We love ours! It's a Graco slim spaces 😊


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Love our space saver from fisher price!!!! Kids stuff takes up so much space, I don't want anything else in the way! Also the space saver allowed our kiddo to be part of our dinner time. 


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Babies r us has sum on sale right now. Try local mom's to mom's sites


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I would never get another high chair that attaches to a chair.I hate it but it was a gift. Food ends up all over the chair which is fabric and a light color. And it scares me because it's not all one piece.. I worry about her falling over in it...


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I'm getting a convertible one