Depressed & TTC

Kayla • Married 2-25-12 Finally Pregnant after 6 years
Ladies I have no idea where to begin... my husband and I have basically been trying on and off to have a baby for 5 years. No luck! :( As of now I have finally decided to give up and quit using opks, temping, taking clomid, taking progesterone. Etc. I'm done literally trying! I always stay on top of my ovulation and periods. I honestly have always been against women who say they are giving up but now I know exactly how they feel. Ttc takes over your life and your brain! I love this <a href="">glow app</a>. Don't get me wrong, but I would rather not know when I am "fertile".... My whole thought process now is, if God wants me to have a child, and when he is ready to bless us with a child, it WILL happen! So I'm done stressing. I'm going to start an excersice routine and ignore every cramp, twinge, and bloat in my body!!!! Who's with me????